Tuesday 24 June 2014

35 Etiquettes before Parents, Gurus, Saints, Patriotic Leaders & Respected Elders.

35 Etiquettes before Parents, Gurus, Saints, Patriotic Leaders & Respected Elders.

1. Avoid using mobile in their presence
2. Pay attention to what they are saying
3. Respect & accept their opinions & advice. 
4. Engage in their conversations
5. Look at them with respect
6. Never praise them but just admire them silently & try to inculcated their good attributes.
7. Always share any good news with them
8. Avoid sharing bad or sad news with them
9. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them.
10. Keep in remembrance the good things they did.
11. If they repeat a story, listen like it is the first time they tell it.
12. Don't bring up painful memories from the past
13. Avoid side conversations in their presence.
14. Sit respectfully around them
15. Don't belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts
16. Avoid cutting them off when they speak
17. Respect their age & restricted capacity by not over exerting them
18. Avoid disciplining or being angry with anyone in their presence.
19. Follow their few directions  even though you don't agree.
20. Give them the power of leadership when they are present
21. Never complain about things they couldn't give you. It is probably all they had.
22. Avoid walking in front or ahead of them
23. Avoid eating quickly, noisily or too much before them
24. Avoid glaring at them
25. Fill them with pride even when they don't think they deserve it.
26. Avoid putting your feet up in front of them or sitting with your back to them
27. Don't speak ill of them to the point where others speak ill of them too
28. Keep them in your prayers whenever possible
29. Avoid seeming bored or tired of them in their presence
30. Avoid laughing at their faults/mistakes
31. Do a task before they ask you to
32. Continuously visit them
33. Choose your words carefully when speaking with them
34. Avoid Call them by names.
35. Make them your priority above anything

Our Parents, Gurus, Saints, Patriotic Leaders & Respected Elders are treasure on this land for us.

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