Thursday, 14 August 2014

वन्दे मातरम् । सुजलाम् सुफलाम् मलयज शीतलाम् शस्यश्यामलाम् मातरम् । वन्दे मातरम् ।

(English & Hindi Translations  & Interpretations of First Stanza of Vande Matram Subsequent stanza to follow later in the day)

वन्दे मातरम् ।
सुजलाम् सुफलाम् मलयज शीतलाम् 
शस्यश्यामलाम् मातरम् ।
वन्दे मातरम् ।

“Vande Matram!
Sujalam Suphalam, Malyaj Shitalam, 
ShasyShyamalam, Matram  
“Vande Matram"

(वन्दे मातरम का हिन्दी-काव्यानुवाद by मदनलाल वर्मा 'क्रान्त' in his book Archana)
जलवायु अन्न सुमधुर, फल फूल दायिनी माँ!, गौरव प्रदायिनी माँ!!
शत-शत नमन करें हम, हे मातृभूमि भारत!

(English Translation in prose by Shri Aurobindo Ghose which appeared in Karmyogin, 20 November 1909.)
Mother, I salute thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

(Interpretation By Auditor Dinesh in Hindi)
हे मातृभूमि, तुझे शत-शत नमन करें हम, 
कृपा है हमपर तुम्हारे जल जलाशय कि अपरमपार होती बािरश िक और हमेशा बहती नदीयाे की, 
कृपा है हमपर तुम्हारे बाग़ बग़ीचे मै िखले खुशबुदार फूलो और स्वादिष्ट फलो  िक, 
कृपा है हमपर हमेशा बहती शीतल वायु िक, कृपा है हमपर तुम्हारे खेतों मै लहराती फ़सलो िक,
हे गौरव प्रदायिनी भारतमाँ!!
हे मातृभूमि, तुझे शत-शत नमन करें हम, 

(Interpretation By Auditor Dinesh in English)
We salute to our Blessed Bharat & dedicate ourself to Motherland

We are enriched by your perpetual rainfall & water streams,
We are brightened by your orchards laden with fruits & flowers,
We are touched by your ever flowing cool winds,
Like our Mother fed us with Milk during our infancy now we are being fed so well by your DarkGreen fields laden with waving crops of sugarcane, grains & pulses which we can even get four times per year

We salute to our Blessed Bharat & dedicate ourself to Motherland

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

TRICLOSAN in Colgate Total

A chemical "TRICLOSAN" that has been linked to cancer cell growth, premature birth, reduced fertility & immature cancerous bone (Osteosarcoma) is being used by millions in Bharat while brushing their teeth every morning using  "Colgate Total" toothpaste.

US FDA approved " "Colgate Total" with poison"Triclosan" in 1997 despite studies clearly indicated massive cancerous activity in animals in Lab by shamelessly accepting studies by company in vested interest in Triclosan which found it safe on human.

These 35 page approval documents which were released recently after a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit last year, reveals the FDA had noted serious concerns that Triclosan could increase the risk of cancerous growth, immature bone, premature birth - but Colgate MNC diabolically convinced them that "Triclosan" was only problematic in large doses.

The recently released pages, taken alongside new research on triclosan, raise questions about whether the agency did  due diligence or was managed in approving Colgate Total 17 years ago. Shockingly some pages in the report showing how tests found bone malformations in mice and rats. 

Experts like Dr Thomas Zoeller
believe that if we have studies on animals that suggest any chemical is carcinogenic, Why take huge risk by approving it for human.

Colgate is still adamant that the 35 pages do not prove the chemical is harmful to humans and it has no plans to reformulate Colgate "Total" toothpaste.

The results found in animals has now given FDA enough reasons to run tests again to review the dangers of the chemical. 

In a sign of the concern over the chemical, Minnesota lawmakers banned the chemical in May. Avon and Johnson & Johnson have also announced plans to cut the chemical from its products.

In 2010, the European Union banned triclosan in materials that come into contact with food.

Read more:

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

How to be Rich & Famous? By Goddess Lakhmiji herself

How to be Rich & Famous?
By Goddess Lakhmiji herself 

महाभारत के शांति पर्व में धनवान बनने के कुछ खास उपायों का विवरण है जो स्वयं लक्ष्मी ने देवराज इंद्र को बताए थे। 

इस संवाद में लक्ष्मी ने बताया गया कि मै उन  बुद्धिमान और सत्यवादी लोगों के घर निवास करती हु जो :-
सुबह घी का दर्शन करते है।   
सूर्योदय से पूर्व बिस्तर त्याग देते हैं ।    
धर्म का आचरण और पितरों का तर्पण करते हैं
व्रत-उपवास और दान-पुण्य करते हैं । 
जिन घरों में खाना बनाते समय पवित्रता का ध्यान रखा जाता है। 

लक्ष्मी ने कहा िक मैं उन्हीं शूरवीर लोगों पर कृपा बरसाती हैं जो युद्ध में पीठ दिखाकर नहीं भागते हैं और शत्रुओं को बाहुबल से पराजित कर देते हैं। 

महालक्ष्मी ने बताया कि उस घर मे उनका निवास नहीं होता :-
जहां रात को सोते समय दही और सत्तू का सेवन किया जाता है ।  
जहां लोंग दिन के समय सोते हैं । 
जहाँ मूर्खों का आदर होता है । 
जहाँ स्त्रियां दुराचारिणी हो जाती हैं । 
जहां स्त्रियां उचित ढंग से उठने-बैठने के नियम नहीं अपनाती हैं, 
जहां स्त्रियां साफ-सफाई नहीं रखती हैं, 
जहां जूठे हाथों से ही घी तथा अन्य खान पान कि वस्तुओं को छू लिया जाता है । 
जहां नौकरों और सन्तों का अनादर होता है। 

लक्ष्मी ने बताया जिन घरों में बहु अपने सास-ससुर पर हुकुम चलाती है, उन्हें कष्ट देती हैं, अनादर करती है तथा अपने पति को प्रताड़ित करती है, उसकी आज्ञा का पालन नहीं करती है, अन्य पुरुषों से अनैतिक संबंध रखती है, मैं उन घरों का त्याग कर देती हूं।
जो लोग अपने शुभ चिंतकों के नुकसान पर हंसते हैं, उनसे मन ही मन द्वेष भाव रखते हैं, किसी मित्र बनाकर उसका अहित करते हैं तो मैं उन पर लोगों कृपा नहीं बरसाती हूं। ऐसे लोग सदैव दरिद्र रहते हैं।
देवी लक्ष्मी ने बताया कि वह स्वयं धनलक्ष्मी, भूति, श्री, श्रद्धा, मेधा, संनति, विजिति, स्थिति, धृति, सिद्धि, समृद्धि, स्वाहा, स्वधा, नियति तथा स्मृति और धर्मशील देश में, नगर में, घर में वे हमेशा निवास करती हैं।

The study of Image of Goddess Lakshmi give us entire motivation to be effective Business Leader. 

2white elephant of Lakshmi signify to us to alway engage quality & even costly manager. They look expensive & futile but help us to progress & enrich.

2 Kamal in Hand of Lakshmi signify we should have new projects in hand to start after completion of existing to succeed in life

LotusSeat of Lakshmi signify we should go deep in any business field to earn well

Lakshmi adoring Full Jewellery & looking beautiful signify we go to our business only bathing & elegant attire.

Money Flowing out of right hand signify we must spend liberally, have enough liquidity & working capital to get spectacular returns in business.

Money in Gold container signify business should alway have reserve capital & save for rainy days. 

Lakshmi riding a Owl signify to be successful in business we keep our vision in all direction & area if our business & not just focus on few areas while ignoring all other.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Rakshan Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is a cultural festival celebrated in Shravana month on Purnima day by people of all religions. 

During this festival sisters tie Raksha Thread on hands of their brothers while chanting sacred Brihaspati mantra.   This divine thread brings victory & success to their brothers for the entire year 

Brothers in turn take pledge to protect their sisters from all adversity & ensure their prosperity. 


The legend of Bhavishya Purana behind the ritual of Raksha Bandhan has been authentically mentioned in Religion Text of Vratraj 

Ages ago, Gods lost the 12yrs intense battle to Demons. Indra consulted his Guru Brihaspati, who suggested Raksha Vidhan along with the sacred Mantras to perform it.

On the day of Shravana Purnima ritual of Raksha Vidhan was performed. During Raksha Vidhan, the Raksha Potli was fortified with sacred Mantra. After Puja this Raksha Potli was tied to the right hand of Indra.

Due to power of Raksha Potli, Indra was able to defeat Demons and get back His lost kingdom. Since then the ritual of Raksha Bandhan is performed with great reverence by people of all religion. 


In 2014 Muhurat Time to tie Rakhi on Raksha Bandhan is from 13:37 to 21:11. Duration 
7 Hours 33 Mins

Within this Mahurat Aparahan Time from 13:45 to 16:23 is most auspicious for Rakhi ceremony. Duration 2 Hours 37 Mins

Within this Mahurat Time Pradosh Time from 19:01 to 21:11 is also good for tying Rakhi. Duration 2hrs 10Mins

Bhadra is a malicious time which should be avoided for all auspicious work. Accordingly Vratraj, also advises to avoid Bhadra time during Raksha Bandhan festival.

The Inauspicious time of Bhadra which should be avoided for tying Rakhi is Bhadra Mukha from 11:07 to 12:47 & Bhadra Punchha from 10:07 to 11:07


Raksha Bandhan Puja Thali should have undermentioned items:- 

One Thali - Silver Thali is most popular during Raksha Bandhan. Hindu Symbols of Om and Swastik should be drawn in the center of Puja Thali.

Puja Rice - Puja rice are called Akshat which are unbroken white rice. Tilak done on forehead during Puja is then dotted with Akshat rice.

Puja Roli - Puja Roli is made by mixing Haldi (turmeric) and Chuna (lime) which is being used for ages during Puja is also kept in Thali. Raksha Bandhan rituals begins with Roli Tilak on the forehead. 

One Nariyal - Traditionally Nariyal, unpeeled and unbroken coconut, is used in Puja and sisters offer it to her brothers during Puja. Instead of Nariyal unbroken betel nuts can also be used in Puja Thali.

One Small Kalash - One small Kalash filled with fresh water is also kept in Puja Thali. Kalash filled with the water is considered a sign of prosperity, abundance and fulfillment. The water from Kalash is used to make Roli paste for drawing Swastik and Raksha Tilak.

Raksha Potli - According to religious texts, Raksha Potli should be filled with rice, white mustard and gold (or gold thread). But traditional Raksha Potli is out of popularity, a tiny homemade Potli is generally gifted by sister to her brother.

Rakhi - Rakhi is modern substitute of Raksha Potli are kept in even numbers in the Thali. Rakhi is kept in pair one for Bhaiya and another for Bhabhi.

Rakhi Sweets - Ghevar is must sweet for Puja Thali. Ghevar is offered to brothers by sisters with their own hand after Tilak and Raksha thread.


Raksha Bandhan is ritualistic tying of the thread with Potli by all sisters, which protects the brothers from all sorts of diseases, fear and failure for the entire year. 

This sacred thread tied by sisters give divine powers to their brothers and ensure them victory, comfort, sons, grandsons, wealth and health.

Sisters tie the Rakhi thread on the wrist of their brothers and seek their protection. 

The Puja Vidhi for Raksha Bandhan has been described in detail in Vratraj. 

On the day of Shravana Purnima, a full ritualistic bath should be performed by both brothers  & sisters during Pratahkal before sunrise. After bath one should perform Deva and Pitra Tarpan, a ritual to appease Gods and ancestors. 

The ritual of Upakarma, should be done in the morning. All gates in the house whether internal or external are marked with Swastik sign with Ram written on it. Special prayers is done on all these sign as mark of respect for the expected guests.  

The main ritual of Raksha Bandhan involves the worship of Raksha Potli or Rakhi Thread by Sister to make it divine by chanting sacred Mantras.

After Bhudeva Puja, Rakhi or Raksha Potli should be fastened to the wrist of brother along with the chanting of Mantras. The Mantra which should be chanted while tying Raksha Potli is given below -

"Yen Badho Bali Raja Danvendro Mahabalah!
Ten Tvaama Bhibha Dhamani Rakshe Maachal Maachal !!

The meaning of Raksha Mantra is as following - 

"I tie you with the same Raksha thread which tied the most powerful, the king of courage, the king of demons, Bali. O Raksha thread, please don't move and keep fixed throughout the year."

Raksha Bandhan truly glorify divine selfless affection between sisters & brothers 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Parents letters to grown up children

Letter from typical Bharatiye Parents to their grownup children

Dearest Children , Life is short & unpredictable so some words are better said early than late. 

Please understand that only we your parents are your true well-wishers & only we care for your happiness in the whole world.  You all are our next birth so essentially you & us are same individuals. 

You should alway learn from our experience and expertise to built-up foundation of your life. This will save you lot of your time, trouble and own efforts. 

Don't expect us to financially support you for your whole life.  Our responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, your calibre will decide whether  you will travel in a public transport or in BMW.

Fixed & Healthy Daily Routine as per our ancient Ayurvedic culture is best single step towards achieving a successful life.

Life is very short. If you waste your today, tomorrow we may find that our missions can't be completed due to shortage of time. The earlier you treasure your today, the better you will be moving towards leading a fulfilling & happy life.

If you want to be rich & successful, you must focus & gain expertise in only one or two career field.  Till you achieve full success never divert to something new. 

Set your "vision or Purpose" of life. Set Long terms goals for your education, passion vocation, profession & missions.

Fix Yearly Achievables, Quarterly Targets, weekly action plan & daily to do list.

We agree few successful people didn't  receive a good education. But most people become successful by studying hard. Whatever knowledge you gain will the sole weapon in your life. 

You alway honour your words. If you can't keep your words at least inform the effected person well in time & own up the consequences of your denial.

Anger is worst of all human emotions. Control it and vent out your concern to all in a polite manner.  Redefine your relationship according to your evaluation of that person in future.

Being in Love is a momentary feeling, and this feeling will fade with time and also change with one's mood.  If your loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your sadness. 

When people are good to you, be cautious, because most people have a motive for their move so don't hastily regard them as a well wisher. 

Few who are actually good to you, such people you must treasure them and be alway thankful. 

Do not bear grudge towards those who are not being nice to you. Most people don't cares for your happiness. 

You must understand that no one & nothing that is material is indispensable to you. This conviction will come handy when others stop paying you attention or you lose what you love the most.

Let's us together treasure the moment wherever we are together. We do not know when we may part permanently with each other. 

Your Only Parents

Amendment to The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000

My three questions pertaining to amendments to Juvenile Act 2000

Question No 1:

Is GOI seeking change to International Child Protection Convention 1989 to match with our amendments relating to empowering the Juvenile Boards to transfer cases of Juveniles indicted for heinous crimes to Adult Court? 

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 has been brought by India in compliance with International "Child Rights Convention 1989".

BJP Govt is about to amend The Juvenile Act 2000 relating to empowering the Juvenile Boards to transfer cases of Juveniles indicted for heinous to Adult Courts. 

Is GOI also simultaneously initiating amendments to the International Child Rights Convention 1989, which we signed & ratified in 1992. 

This timely action by GOI will avoid any future embarrassment to our nation for breach of terms of this convention. 

Question No 2

Is the amendments to Juvenile court being considered retrospectively to cover Nirbhaya case Juvenile convict also?

We understand that cabinet has already approved suitable amendments to The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 so that The Juvenile Boards will be able to decide whether specific Juveniles indicted for Heinous crimes like rape can be tried as adults.

My question to the BJP Govt is whether the amendment is being implemented retrospectively so that Juvenile who put our Nirbhaya to such demonic atrocities is also retried in adult court as per the new amendment before he completes his mild sentence under the current Juvenile Act 2000. 

Question No 3

For terrorism & waging war against the nation why it should not be mandated that Juvenile above 16yrs will be compulsory tried as adult in Adult court? 

It has been reported that Pakistan-based terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Toiba enroling members below the age of 18 years. 

Similarly Maoist are focusing on Juvenile to carry organised Terrorism. This would ensure that even if they are caught while doing subversive activity they would be compulsorily tried under the Juvenile Justice Act instead of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). 

It is pertinent to mention that the maximum punishment under Juvenile Act is just 3 years in correction facility.

We understand that cabinet has approved suitable amendment in The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 is so that Juvenille board can decide specific Juvenile to be tried as adults for crime related to serious crime like rape.

My question to BJP is that for terrorism & waging war against the nation is it mandated in new amendment that Juvenile above 16yrs will be compulsory tried as adult in Adult court?

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Ekadashi Fast

Today is 7/8/14 and day to observe Ekadashi Fast with reverence. Ekadashi fasting is observed on every 11th Tithi in Hindu calendar. 

During a month there are two Ekadashi Fast, one in Shukla Paksh & second in Krishna Paksh. Both these fasts are very significant to UR culture. 

Ideally last meal should be taken before 3pm on the previous day of the fast to ensure there is no residual food in the stomach on day of Ekadashi Fast.

Ekadashi Fast can be observed on three levels depending on our individual capacity which must be decided before starting the fast.
A)Either Waterless 
B)Water Inly 
C)Only Fruits 
Eating of all type of grains and cereals is prohibited during Ekadashi fasting

Ekadashi Fasting burn away our worry, anger, jealousy and arrogance which develop in our body due to excess calories, acidity and toxins.

Keeping this fast is very spiritual, healing & enlightening. It gives us social dominance, business growth & wealth benefits. 

During Fasting catabolism starts in our body by release of Glucagon from Pancreas which first consumes the toxins & cancer cells in blood & other body tissue. After this it starts feeding on the fat deposits in our body. 

It should be broken by light meal on the next day after sunrise. Actually, There is a specific Ekadashi fast breaking time prescribed in our Shastras, which is  calculated as per the
"Chandra Dasha or Dwadashi Tithi"

Fasting for  07 August (Thursday) is Shravana Pavitropana Ekadas.
 Fast can be opened tomorrow i.e on 8/8/2014 between 05:46-10:13 AM 

This varies every time,, and it has a great significance of breaking it on time.

Future Ekadashi Dates for 2014 are 

Fasting sustain our body & ecology of earth so all Devotee of Lord Visnhu our GOD is Sustenance & all his Reincarnates keep this fast with reverence. 

Fasting on Ekadashi is highly auspicious and if kept with faith & reverence helps in redemption of sins and in attaining Moksha. 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

खाने को खाना से ज़्यादा महत्व खाने को पचाना है |

खाने को खाना से ज़्यादा महत्व खाने को पचाना है | 

हमने कितना खाया वो महत्व का नहीं हे। हमने कितने अच्छे से पचाया वो ज़्यादा महत्वपुर्ण है । खाना अच्छे से पचे इसके लिए वाग्भट्ट जी ने सूत्र दिया !! 

"भोजनान्ते विषं वारी"
(मतलब खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना जहर पीने के बराबर है) 

इसलिए खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी कभी मत पिये! ये जानना बहुत जरुरी है ...
हम पानी क्यों ना पीये खाना खाने के बाद।  क्या कारण है ?
भोजन के रूप मे हमने जो भी ग्रहण करते है ये सब अमाशय मे आ जाता है|उसी स्थान का संस्कृत नाम है "जठर"| 
उसी स्थान को अंग्रेजी मे कहते है
" epigastrium "|

ये एक थेली की तरह होता है और इसमें अधिक से अधिक 350GMS खाना आ सकता है |  

आमाशय मे अग्नि प्रदीप्त होती है उसी को कहते हे"जठरािग्न"। जेसे ही आपने खाना खाया की जठराग्नि (acid secretion) प्रदीप्त हो गयी |

यह ऑटोमेटिक है,जेसे ही अपने रोटी का पहला टुकड़ा मुँह मे डाला की इधर जठराग्नि प्रदीप्त हो गई| ये अग्नि तब तक जलती हे जब तक खाना पचता है | 

अब अापने खाते ही गटागट पानी पी लिया और खूब ठंडा पानी पी लिया तो  आग (जठराग्नि) जो जल रही थी वो बुझ गयी|  (Due to drinking water immediately after taking food our digestive acids gets diluted.) आग अगर बुझ गयी तो खाने की पचने की जो क्रिया है वो रुक गयी| 

अब हमेशा याद रखें खाना जाने पर हमारे पेट में दो ही क्रिया होती है, एक क्रिया है जिसको हम कहते हे "Digestion" डायजेशन का मतलब हे पचना और दूसरी है "fermentation" फर्मेंटेशन का मतलब है सडना ।  

आयुर्वेद के हिसाब से आग जलेगी तो खाना पचेगा, खाना पचेगा तो उससे रस (nutrition) बनेगा|  जो रस बनेगा तो उसी रस से मांस, मज्जा, रक्त,वीर्य, हड्डिया, मल, मूत्र और अस्थि बनेगा और सबसे अंत मे मेद बनेगा| ये तभी होगा जब खाना पचेगा ।  

अब जब खाना सड़ेगा तब क्या होगा ?.. खाने के सड़ने पर सबसे पहला जहर जो बनता है वो हे यूरिक एसिड (uric acid ) । कई बार आप डॉक्टर के पास जाकर कहते है की मुझे घुटने मे दर्द हो रहा है. तो डॉक्टर कहेगा आपका यूरिक एसिड बढ़ रहा है आप ये दवा खाओ और यूरिक एसिड कम करो|

और एक दूसरा उदाहरण खाना । जब खाना सड़ता है, तो एक दूसरा विष बनता है जिसको हम कहते हे LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) माने खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल (cholesterol )|

जब आप ब्लड प्रेशर(BP) चेक कराने डॉक्टर के पास जाते हैं तो वो आपको कहता है (HIGH BP ) हाई-बीपी है आप पूछोगे कारण बताओ? तो वो कहेगा कोलेस्ट्रोल और LDL बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ा हुआ है | 

इससे भी ज्यादा खतरनाक एक विष हे 
वो है VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein)| ये भी कोलेस्ट्रॉल जेसा ही विष है। अगर VLDL बहुत बढ़ गया तो आपको भगवान भी नहीं बचा सकता|

खाना सड़ने पर और जो जहर बनते है उसमे एक ओर विष है जिसको अंग्रेजी मे हम कहते है triglycerides| जब भी डॉक्टर आपको कहे की आपका "triglycerides" बढ़ा हुआ हे तो समज लीजिए की आपके शरीर मे विष निर्माण हो रहा है |

तो कोई यूरिक एसिड के नाम से कहे, कोई कोलेस्ट्रोल के नाम से कहे, कोई LDL -VLDL के नाम से कहे समझ लीजिए की ये विष हे और ऐसे विष 103 है | ये सभी विष तब बनते है जब खाना सड़ता है | 

खाना पचने पर जो बनता है वो है मांस, मज्जा, रक्त, वीर्य, हड्डिया, मल, मूत्र, अस्थि और खाना सड़ने पर बनता है यूरिक एसिड, कोलेस्ट्रोल
,LDL-VLDL और यही आपके शरीर को रोगों का घर बनाते है !

पेट मे बनने वाला यही जहर जब
ज्यादा बढ़कर खून मे आते है ! तो खून दिल की नाड़ियो मे से निकल नहीं पाता और रोज थोड़ा थोड़ा कचरा जो खून मे आया है इकट्ठा होता रहता है और एक दिन नाड़ी को ब्लॉक कर देता है जिसे आप heart attack कहते हैं !

तो हमें जिंदगी मे ध्यान इस बात पर देना है की जो हम खा रहे हे वो शरीर मे ठीक से पचना चाहिए और खाना ठीक से पचना चाहिए इसके लिए पेट मे ठीक से आग (जठराग्नि) प्रदीप्त होनी ही चाहिए । क्योंकि बिना आग के खाना पचता नहीं हे और खाना पकता भी नहीं है 

अब आपके मन मे सवाल आएगा कितनी देर तक नहीं पीना ??? तो ९६ मिनट (4 Ghatika) तक नहीं पीना ! अब आप कहेंगे इसका क्या calculation हैं ??

बात ऐसी है ! जब हम खाना खाते हैं तो जठराग्नि द्वारा सब एक दूसरे मे मिक्स होता है और फिर खाना पेस्ट मे बदलता हैं है ! पेस्ट मे बदलने की क्रिया होने तक ९६ (96) मिनट का समय लगता है !उसके बाद जठराग्नि कम हो जाती है ! (बुझती तो नहीं लेकिन बहुत धीमी हो जाती है ) 

पेस्ट बनने के बाद शरीर मे रस बनने की परिक्रिया शुरू होती है ! तब हमारे शरीर को पानी की जरूरत होती हैं । तब आप जितना इच्छा हो उतना पानी पिये !! 

जो बहुत मेहनती लोग है (खेत मे हल चलाने वाले ,रिक्शा खीचने वाले पत्थर तोड़ने वाले) उनको ४८ िमनट के बाद ही रस बनने लगता है उनको  घंटे बाद पानी पीना चाहिए ! 

अब आप कहेंगे खाना खाने के पहले कितने मिनट तक पानी पी सकते हैं ??? 
तो खाना खाने के ४८ मिनट पहले तक आप पानी पी सकते हैं ! 

अब आप पूछेंगे ये मिनट का calculation ???? बात ऐसी ही जब हम पानी पीते हैं तो वो शरीर के प्रत्येक अंग तक जाता है ! और अगर बच जाये तो ४८ मिनट बाद मूत्र पिंड तक पहुंचता है ! तो पानी - पीने से मूत्र पिंड तक आने का समय 48मिनट का है ! तो आप खाना खाने से 48 मिनट पहले ही पाने पिये ! इसका जरूर पालण करे ! 


Sunday, 3 August 2014

GAURAKSHA - a new perspective:

GAURAKSHA - a new perspective:
(Please read & share your comments & observations if any.)

Heart moving Song "Govardhan Ki Dulari GauMa"

The rescue of GauMata from clutches of slaughter mafia should go hand in hand with its caring. To rescue a GauMata and leave it uncared is even more cruel than slaughtering it. 

The slaughtering of cow give pain to GauMata for a moment but GauDhan loitering on street sick & hungry is even worse hardship to our GauMata.

I feel we uncaring Hindu are more cruel to our GauMata than many Muslims & few fake Hindus who slaughter it.

Recently PM Modi has announced Rs.150cr Per annum for conservation of Cow and setting up Gopal Gram. 

While subsidy for Haj Annum is Rs.1000cr but GOI allocated a peanut amount for this vital mission. But we should be contended from the fact that at least a beginning has been made. 

Strangely the Entire Rastriya Gokul Mission document doesn't mention the word "cow" even once. 

It mentions buffalo but not cow. Although cow is vital for our agriculture, economy & environment still govt is afraid to overtly do its conservation for fear being labelled pro-Hindu. 

Our love for cow should not be only for religious factors but we should also understand the vital role of GauMata in our survival & also sustenance of our ecology. 

Even the conservation of Gau Mata is not possible in GauShala as the workers there don't develop bonding with GauDhan present there.

GauMata can be conserved only in individual homes like in ancient times where each home had a Gau which was treated as a family member and loved & respected like a family elder.

A Freind shared that his in-laws were facing great difficulty in making their ends meet. They bought a divine cow. The moment the family started caring for the cow their fortune started reversing & soon they became multimillionaire with many factories & good social standing. The cow continued to give nourishing milk & many calves. 

Later they shifted the same  cow to another relative who was nearly on street. Miraculously that family also turned corner and became Multi-millionaire. 

In that home also the Gau continued to give divine milk and produced many offspring. After its natural life when the divine cow died both family got together and gave it a glorifying burial.

This story give us a hint how cow can be effectively conserved in Bharat.

We should set up a database of families who can rear a Gau & also detail of families who want to financially support a GauMata.

GOI, state Government & district administration can come together to be the catalyst to trigger this scheme. The monetering Govt agency can gift one Gau to each family wishing to rear a GauMata using money from families wishing to  support GauMata with concern & financial resources. 

The linkage can be documented & made known to concerned parties so the copulated parties can bond with each other. Flow of some products of Gaumata from family rearing the cow & family supporting the cow can also be mandated in the scheme document. 

The Govt agency monitoring this scheme can also take the offspring of the gifted Gau and in turn gift it to new families wishing to rear GauMata. 

In this way our GauDhan can multiply many times in short period without any outlay of funds. 

This scheme is already being implementing in Vietnam with great success. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Plant based diet reverse Heart Vein Blockage

Dr. Caldwell Eselstyn is the champion in propagating plant based diet.

His low-fat, whole food, plant based diet reversed heart disease in virtually all his patients within short span of 32 months. 

Meat eating is so cruel, vulgar, unhealthy & Junglee. In ancient times meat eating was justified as other plant based food was not available in most region. The meat eating was done by hunting where both the hunted and hunter ran & fought enough to burn their respective adrenaline. 

Eating meat with retained adrenaline of slaughtered animals buildup this poison in body of the flesh eater thereby giving him anxiety & heart disease. 

In desert & extreme cold climates region eating Flesh was a compulsion as enough plant based food was not grown. The non fertile soil, extreme weather ensured no agriculture was possible or just one crop cycle per year. 

Presently so much antibiotic is being fed to poultry chick than people eating them become resistance to to all antibiotic. 

Raising the animal for their flesh is so much burden on the fragile ecology of earth. 

Accordingly most European Countries are planning to eradicate meat eating. 

Best food is raw Fruit, second best is semi-cooked steamed vegetable, then cooked germinated pulses, last cereal cooked in open container.