All fruits and vegetables originated in Blessed Bharat and dispersed world wide from here. They are not produced by natural evolution as suggested by Darwin but created intentionally by our ancient saints.
Our Bhartiye Sabyta & Sanskriti is 196 crores years old. Before start of IcecAge only Himalyas were visible rest entire earth was under water. After few million years Gangetic plain became visible when Ocean receded with advent of IcecAge. Now the oceans are rising once again.
Like present day factories manufacture products for our use ancient saints in Bharat tailor made fruits & vegetables by using advanced biotech.
In modern times we are foolish to create mineral water in a plastic bottle but our wise saints "Vishwamitr" developed Coconut for humanity which could be grown free with the seeds developed by him near ocean where fresh water was not available. Their work was not copywrite but available for free to all
In modern times we create Tractors but in ancient times Saint Vishwamitr developed & gave humanity "camel" which was specially tailor made for deserts.
In modern day we dump or burn our organic kitchen & farming waste. In old times wise saints developed divine Gaumata which could consume our all organic waste and give back to us useful by-product. It is so godly & ultimate recycle machine. But we are so stupid to slaughter it for its flesh. It is worse than killing the golden geese.
We all should feel to be part of this great blessed land of Bharat which has abundant rain, sufficient sunlight, fertile soil, divine Gaumata & majestic Ganga & gigantic Himalayas.
We are all just a handful of dust of our motherland and accordingly should dedicate ourself to Bharat and bring it glory world wide without any self interest.