Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Bliss of Braham-Muhurat

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"

This famous quote by Benjamin Franklin is considered to be best advice worldwide to get happiness & success in every sphere of life. 

In Bharat we have been aware of virtues of waking up early since ancient times. Early morning is also known as "Brahma Muhurat" in per our Vedic Culture. 

"ब्राह्मी मुहूर्त उिठस्थेट
स्वास्थ्ोरक्षा अर्थ आयुष"
“Brahmi Muhurte Uttishtet Swastho Raksha Artham Ayushah” (A.H.Su.2/1)

Above famous Vedic quote means "A person who is interested in preserving his health, prosperity and longevity should get up early in the morning in Braham-Muhurat. 


Brahma means knowledge. Therefore the best period for acquiring knowledge by introspection is known as Braham-Muhurat.

As per Bharatiye Time Science in one date there are 30 Muhurats of 48 minutes each starting from one sunrise to next sunrise. 

Braham Muhurat is the 29th Muhurat of any day. It is the second last Muhurat of any date. Suppose sunrise is at 6.10am on any day. So Braham Muhurat is a period of 48minutes between 4.34am to 5.22am

Braham-Muhurat starts 96minutes before any sunrise & end 48 minutes before sunrise. So ideal time is to wake up any time during this period of 48 minutes as per our specific needs.

Waking up in "Braham Muhurat is mandated in our ancient culture so we are fully ready to welcome the rising sun and be blessed by its golden rays after completing our daily chores like 
Ushapan, Mal Tyag, Snan, Dant Dhawn, Dyan, Paranayam. 

On waking in Braham-Muhurat our mind is still in subconscious state so it is free from worldly impressions. Our intelligent mind full of Rag-Davesh have not yet been activated. During this time our mind can be easily moulded & infused with divine thoughts. 

Ayurveda also preaches concept of ideal "Dinacharya" which starts by waking up during the Braham-Muhurat.

Concept of Braham-Muhurat is not just when to wakeup but it also teaches people on how to start their day.


All healthy adults beyond age of 14yrs should wake in Braham-Muhurats. However this regimen is not strictly applicable for those who are unhealthy adults & children.


If we are not in the habit of getting up early, than we can use an alarm timepiece. Once the habit is established, there will be no difficulty. Our subconscious mind will become a obedient servant to wake us up during Braham-Muhurat. 


After waking up we should feel happy on getting one more day to fulfil our mission of making our life a blessing for others. We should also silently thanks all those who have been kind to us on the previous day.

Waking up 96 minutes before Sunrise at start of Braham-Muhurat give us 4 slots of 24 minutes each during which we can complete our daily chores and be fully ready to welcome the rising sun and be blessed by its Orange Infrared Rays.

Ist Ghati घड़ी of 24minutes:
This slot is for USHAPAN. We should sip I Litre warm water in sitting position. Each sip should be retained in mouth for at least one breath. While drinking our neck should be bend forward. 
Than we should do MalThyag & DantDhawan. After this we should take Snan. During bath which we should softly scratch our body with our nails so that blood come out of vein ending and rejunvate our upper skin. While drying we should do self massage or scrub ourself with rough cotton towels.

2nd Ghati घड़ी of 24minutes:
We must utilise this precious time in meditation by sitting in Sukha Asana. We can try to climb the supreme height of Brahm, the peak of divinity. 

We should Chant OM 12 times before starting our meditation. This will quickly elevate our mind and drive off sleepiness. 

During Brahma Muhurat our Sushuma Nadi is activated which means that we can breathe from both our nostrils. Due to this increased flow of oxygen we can  enter into deep meditation without much effort to enjoy the inner peace of our soul. 

Most Yogis do their meditation during the Brahma Muhurat sending their vibrations throughout the world, benefiting all. 

3rd Ghati घड़ी of 24minutes:
During this Slot we should visit our nearest temple to pray, attend Aarti, read scriptures, offer flower in temples, donate, offer Jal to Pipal, give Roti to GauMata, ring the temple bell, warm you palm with Jyot, take tulsi, charnavart, Clap with hyms, apologise for our mistakes, reiterate your pledge and targets for motherland, society, business, family & self.

4th Ghatika घड़ी  of 24minutes:
During this slot we should do some selected Yoga postures. Then we should do various pranayama like alom-vilom, udgeet, kapalBhatti do Surya Jal Aarpan & SuryaNamaskar. 


Fifth Ghati घड़ी  of 24minutes:
Do brisk walk in rising sun while introspecting on our to do list for today

Sixth Ghati घड़ी  of 24minutes:
Do Phalhar & Lunch 

Seventh Ghati घड़ी of 24minutes:
Do Vajr asan and 

Eighth Ghati घड़ी of 24minutes:
Ardhnindra in Vishnu position on left hand.


According to AtharvaVed, A person who gets up early in morning will be free from all diseases.

According to Bhagavadgeeta, A person whose Ahara Vihara is correct, whose activities and life style is perfect and who sleeps and gets up early will be free from all miseries.

In Charaka Samhita,  while explaining the Adhyayana vidhi, Rishi Charaka has explained the importance of getting up early in the morning. He says that one should get up during upavyusha i.e, when still there is a part of raatri left which is nothing but Braham-Muhurat.

According to Astanga Sangraham by Rishi Vaagbhat, has most authentically advocated benefits of waking up in Braham-Muhurat. 

According to Bhavaprakasha, remembering god after getting up at Braham-Muhurat is very important. He also tells us to touch and see some auspicious substances like flower garland. We should look at ourself in ghee for longevity. 

Yoga ratnakara also advices us in a similar manner.


Our all body mechanism are regulated by a internal rhythm clock, which gradually becomes established during the first months of life & controls the daily ups and downs of biological patterns, body temperature, blood pressure and the release of hormones.

The classic  markers for our body rhythm are Melatonin secretion by the pineal gland, Core body temperature & Plasma level of cortisol.

The average human adult's temperature reaches its minimum point at start of Braham Muhurat.

Melatonin is secreted more in darkness & peaks during BrahamMuhurat. This hormone also plays a little role in regulating the carnal functions in human being.

A third marker of the humans is the timing of the maximum plasma cortisol level which is a life protecting hormone. It helps to withstand the stress and trauma in life. This is secreted from adrenal cortex under the influence of ACTH from hypothalamus. The rate of secretion of ACTH is highest during BrahamMuhurat.

Other physiological changes which occur according to a body rhythm during Braham-Muhurat is stability of heart rate and production of red blood cells.

Thus information as per the modern science proves the importance of  in waking up in Braham-Mahurat in relation to maintaining normal physiological functions.


By waking up in Braham-Mahurat we can easily complete our daily chores and be ready to see the sun slowly rising and getting brighter each minute that is passing by. It is such a great way to greet a brand new day in a peaceful & silent environment. 

It is also the right time to breathe in the fresh air of the morning.

Early morning is Vatt dominating period which is helpful in promoting  both internal and external body movements and thus helps in easy evacuation of bowel.  

Physical activities such as excercise and yogasanas can be performed well in vata kala. 

Meditation also needs the help of undisturbed vata which can be found only in early in the morning.

This time is hailed as the best time to learn aspects of philosophy and attain spiritual growth. 

If one tries to find out the secret underlying this then one can realise that there are probably several changes in physical chemical and biological atmosphere at around this time, which probably catalyzes spiritual blossoming of an individual. 

This is indeed a rejuvenating time as the whole universe begins to wake up at around this time and probably this period is associated with hormonal changes conducive to blossoming of mind. 

Positive Effect of electromagnetic radiations & magnetic pull off Sun on the various our biological and psychological parameters is huge

People who wake up early in Braham Mahurat are said to be more productive to themself, family, their organisation and motherland than their other counterparts. 

People who wake up in Braham-Muhurat often finish their tasks ahead of time. These people are often more successful than others. Since they have a balanced life including sleeping early, they can keep up with the challenges of the day ahead of them.


After Sunrise Kaph become increasingly dominant. So people who get up in kapha kala after sunrise tend to be dominated by Kaph-Dosh throughout the day. Waking up after sunrise result in kaph imbalance. Bowel movements tend to be sluggish under the influence of kapha. Mind will be negative and body will be inactive owing to the influence of kapha dosh. 

After sunrise people awake and the materialistic mental radiations are emitted through their physical senses. The atmosphere is polluted. People will disturb each other dragging themselves to materialistic discussions. So best time for introspection is early morning.

Foetid smell in mouth constipation, indigestion, laziness, and many kinds of eye diseases arises just because of getting late in day.


So if we are interested in avoiding diseases & protect our life we should get up in Braham-Muhurat to avoid all vyadhis(problems) and alakshmi (poverty). 

It is Braham-Muhurat now! Pl don't roll in the bed. Start meditating & enjoy internal bliss of your Inner Self.

Friday, 5 September 2014

What goes around comes around

There is an old saying... 'What goes around comes around. Today I am sending you this story, and I'm asking you to pass it on. Let this chain of compassion be unbroken. 

One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he stopped in front of her Maruti.

Even with the smile on his face, she looked worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so.  Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe; he looked poor and hungry.

He said, 'I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Billu Barber.'         

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Billu crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, bruising his hands. 

Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.

As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from Jorbagh and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.

Billu just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. 

Billu never thought twice before politely refusing her offer. This was not a job to him. This was just helping someone in need, and he knew there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. 

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Billu added, 'And 
think of me.'

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

The old lady reached home & her house maid Shanti opened the door for her. She bought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being busy for the whole day with household chores couldn't erase. 

The lady already knew that her housemaid Shanti was in advanced pregnancy, but for the first time old lady was appreciating that Shanti had never let the strain and aches change her attitude towards work. 

The old lady felt bad how someone who is in such advanced pregnancy has to work so hard & so late. She was shocked at zeal of her house maid Shanti to make her comfortable. Then she remembered Billu .

After the lady finished her meal, she paid her 10 noted of Rs1000 and said please from tommorrow onwards take rest & rejoin after you give birth to you baby. 

Shanti was shocked & didn't know what to say. She needed the money badly. Shanti quickly said you can deduct this money from my salary when I rejoin.

There were tears in her eyes when Shanti heard what the lady said : 'You don't owe me anything. Somebody today helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.'

The house maid Shanti cleared the kitchen & completed her work & went back home. That night when she got home  and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had said. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard...

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, 'Everything's going to be all right... I love you, Billu.'  

Forwarded By CA Dinesh Gupta