Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Gau Mata

Our Desi GauMata is truly Divine. 

Cow milk is closest to composition of human mothers  milk. It is so safe that it can be fed to newborn infants.

Milk of Cow is usable in so many ways. It can drunk Directly as milk. We can makes my types of milk Shake.
It can be fermented as curd, churned as Lassi or Chazz. We can cook it as Kaddi. We can extract Cheese, Butter, Makhan & Ghee from it.

Gobar of Cow is so divine that symbolically it is said Lakshmi resides in it. Cow Gobar never emit bad smell infact it best anti septic & used to sterilise Walls & floors. It can used as cooking Medium. It can used as Organic Fertiliser to save fertility of Soil. Gobar can generate biogas to generate Light, heating & even electricity. Gobar is even worshipped. Desi Cow is the only animal whose excreta is divine. In respect of the use of its excreta it is superior to even humans. 
The gau mutr has all 18micro nutrients. It is best single medicine for all sickness from common cold to cancer. It is only known medicine to balance all three  Kaph, Vatt & Pitt Dosh. Gau Mutr is most effective organic & safe pesticide. Gau Mutr also help in producing BioGas.

Gau Give us love & affection. It is truly god personified. Cow alway remaining in sunlight. It absorb photons and convert it to gold particle to add in its milk. That is why cow milk is alway yellowish in shade. 

Cow secretes huge quantity of oxytocin due to which it's replicate mothers love and mere looking in eyes of cows cures our worst depression. 

All above products of immense utility are produced by cow by consuming only waste products like Peels. It is insane & a deep conspiracy that our cows are being slaughtered to export beef to west while west conserve their own cow to export milk & milk products to us.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Jalliawala Bagh Revisited

@dkgdelhi: JalliawalaBagh is a 6.5acres Garden Near GoldenTemple which was scene of British Massacre of peaceful Baishaki pilgrims & protestors #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Today April13 in 1919 Dyer armed 65Gorkha & 25Baloch with 50 .303 rifle & MachineGuns on 2 APC to massacre 1000+ unarmed  people  #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: 20000 Sikh, Muslims & Hindu were peacefully protesting arrest of Satyapal & Saifuddin Kitchlew, who were Proponent of GandhiSatyaGarh #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer Troop fired for 10M, on back of unarmed people trying to runout. 1600rounds were fired piercing 3to4. This brutality stunned all #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Trigger for Massacre was street insult to MarcellaSherwood by rouges. Dyer met her& pledged revenge. He made all crawl on that street #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Background of Massacre was psychosis of British about crushing impending rebellion in army, civil unrest due to recession, WWI & Flu #JBagh

@dkgdelhi: Initially Dyer was hailed as champion by all in Britain GoldenTemple priest but later Hunter Xommission dismissed him from Service #JBagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer was indicted for using excessive force on unarmed, not issuing warning for dispersal, not helping the victims, declaring curfew #JBagh

@dkgdelhi: Before the commission Dyer said he didn't want to disperse the crowd but desired to kill as many possible to strike terror in Punjab #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer also said he wanted people in Bharat to treat British women as goddess& never insult them like Marcella was insulted in Amritsar #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer said if entrance to Jalliawalan Bagh was wider he also intended to use Machine Guns in 2 Armoured Vehicle which accompanied him #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer said if entrance to Jalliawalan Bagh was wider he also intended to use Machine Guns in 2 Armoured Vehicle which accompanied him #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer said if entrance to Jalliawalan Bagh was wider he also intended to use Machine Guns in 2 Armoured Vehicle which accompanied him #Jbagh

@dkgdelhi: After AmritsarMassacre conscious of top British Bootlickers like Sir Rabindarnath who returned his knighthood. Even Gandhi was shock #JBagh

@dkgdelhi: Dyer died in 1927 On 13/3/1940, at CaxtonHall London, UdhamSingh wounded at Amritsar killed Michael O'Dwyer, LG who approved massacre #JBagh

@dkgdelhi: UddamSingh was hanged on 31/7/1940. Nehru & Mahatmaji, condemned his action as senseless. In 1952, PM Nehru honoured Him as Shaheed #JBagh